duo MFA & viscosity no-cell setup

The Duo application is nice if you have a supported mobile device, and it’s usable even when you you have no cell connection via TOTP. However, getting Viscosity to allow both choices took some work for me.

For various reasons, I don’t want to always use the Duo application, so would like for Viscosity to alway prompt for password. (I had already saved a password - a fresh install likely would not have that issue.) That took a bit of work, and some web searches.

  1. Disable any saved passwords for Viscosity. On a Mac, this means opening up “Keychain Access” application, searching for “Viscosity” and deleting any associated entries.

  2. Ask Viscosity to save the “user name” field (optional). I really don’t need this, as my setup uses a certificate to identify me. So it doesn’t matter what I type in the field. But, I like hints, so I told Viscosity to save just the user name field:

    defaults write com.viscosityvpn.Viscosity RememberUsername -bool true

With the above, you’ll be prompted every time. You have to put “something” in the user name field, so I chose to put “push or TOTP” to remind me of the valid values. You can put anything there, just do not check the “Remember details in my Keychain” toggle.