Using hg & git for the same codebase

Speaker Notes

Following are the slides I presented at the RELENG 2013 workshop on May 20th, 2013. Paragraphs formatted like this were not part of the presented slides - they are very rough speaker notes.

If you prefer, you may view a PDF version.

Hal Wine
Release Engineering
Mozilla Corporation

Issues and solutions encountered in maintaining a single code base under active development in both hg & git formats.


  • Mozilla Corporation operates an extensive build farm that is mostly used to build binary products installed by the end user. Mozilla has been using Mercurial repositories for this since converting from CVS in 2007. We currently use a 6 week “Rapid Release” cycle for most products.

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    We currently have upwards of 4,000 hosts involved in the continuous integration and testing of Mozilla products. These hosts do approximately 140 hours of work on each commit.

  • Firefox Operating System is a new product that ships source to be incoporated by various partners in the mobile phone industry. These partners, experienced with the Android build process, require source be delivered via git repositories. This is close to a “Continuous Release” process.

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    A large part of the FxOS product is code used in the browser products. That is in Mercurial and needs to be converted to git. Most new code modules for FxOS are developed on github, and need to be converted to Mercurial for use in our CI & build systems.


  • What we initially set out to do:
    • Make it purely a developer choice which dvcs to use.

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      Ideal was to allow developers to make dvcs as personal a choice as editor.

    • Support multiple social coding sites.

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      These social coding sites, such as github and bitbucket, make it much easier for new community members to contribute.

  • That was much tougher than anticipated.
    In theory, git & hg are very close…
    … In practice, “the devil is in the details”.
  • Where we are:
    • Changed direction to support FFOS release to partners.
    • Quickly mirror Repository of Record (RoR) between git & hg.
    • CI/build system remains Mercurial centric.

Challenge Areas

  • Changesets have different hashes in Mercurial and git.
    • We added tooling to support both in static documents such as manifest files.
    • All tools continue to use hg hash as primary value for indexing and linking.
  • Propagation delays of changesets to the “other” system.

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    For most use cases, the approximately 20 minute average we’re achieving is acceptable.

    • Compounded by hash differences between two systems.

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      A common use case here is a developer wanting to start a self serve build. If the commit was to git, the self serve build won’t be successful until that commit is converted to hg.

      We are continuing work on this. It is closely tied to determining which commit broke the build, when multiple repositories are involved.

  • Build details
    • Movable tags are not popular in git based workflows, but have been a common technique at Mozilla to mark “latest”.

Challenge Areas (Con’t)

  • Mixed philosophies are often linked with mixed repositories.
    • Android never wants history to appear to change. Downstream servers allow only fast forward changesets and deny deletions.

    • Mozilla uses “RoR is authoritative”.

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      Either approach is self consistent. It is when the two need to interact that challenges arrise.

  • Conversion failures
    • Occasional hg-git conversion failures, due to implementation details of hg & git.

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      • Dates in export patches (e.g. hg uses seconds, git uses minutes, in time)
      • Email validation (git stricter than hg)
    • Since commit already accepted by hg, hg-git must be modified

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      This requires inhouse resources to respond urgently to patch the conversion machinery. Without conversion, there are no builds.

Alternate Approaches

  • To support your own “use the DVCS you want” infrastructure requires:
    • production quality hg server
    • production quality git server
    • in house ability to address conversion issues (as already mentioned)
  • I’m aware of two commercial alternatives. Both of these use a centralized RoR which supports git and/or hg interfaces for developer interaction.

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    And at least one explicitly does not have a git back end.

  • You can leave it to developers to scratch their own itch independently. Given diversity of workflows, this may be more cost effective than obtaining consensus.

Future Research

Areas of particular interest for further study include:

  • What is the set of enforceable assertions which would ensure the tooling can maintain lossless conversion between DVCS?

  • What minimum conditions must be maintained in conversions to preclude downstream conflicts?

  • What workflows can be supported to minimize issues?

  • Are there best practice incident management protocols for addressing problem commits.

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    The common example is a commit contains sensitive material it should not. There are cases were limiting the scope of distribution can have significant business value.